How Might We

As a designer, you aim to create effective design solutions that solve user problems and enhance their experience. One useful tool in the UX design process is HMW questions, which can help you frame design challenges and generate innovative solutions while keeping teams focused on solving the right problems.

HMW questions are open-ended questions that focus on potential solutions rather than problems. They are a way to reframe design challenges and inspire creative thinking. The format for an HMW question is “How might we [action] [goal] for [user group]?

Example: Suppose you’re designing a mobile app for busy professionals who want to organize their schedules. A potential HMW question could be, “How might we simplify the scheduling process for busy professionals?”

How to use “How Might We” questions

  1. Identify the problem: Start by identifying the problem you want to solve. This can be done through user research, analytics, or other methods.
  2. Reframe the problem: Use an HMW question to reframe the problem and focus on potential solutions. Use the format “How might we [action] [goal] for [user group]?”
  3. Brainstorm solutions: Use the HMW question as a prompt for brainstorming potential solutions. Encourage creative thinking and avoid self-censorship.
  4. Evaluate solutions: Prioritize the potential solutions based on user needs and business goals.

An HMW question can generate lots of creative ideas.

Here are some more examples of How We Might questions:

  • How might we ensure more people pay their taxes before the deadline?
  • How might we help employees stay productive and healthy when working from home?
  • How might we make customers feel their information is safe and secure when creating an account?

Key takeaways

  1. HMW questions are a useful tool for generating innovative design solutions.
  2. They focus on potential solutions rather than problems.
  3. The format for an HMW question is “How might we [action] [goal] for [user group]?”
  4. HMW questions can be used to reframe design challenges and inspire creative thinking.
  5. Use HMW questions as a prompt for brainstorming potential solutions and evaluating them based on user needs and business goals.
