
Users filter out a lot of information that they receive, even when it could be important.

In user experience design, understanding the role of information is crucial. Users have limited attention and filter out information, focusing only on what seems relevant. You must present information effectively by prioritizing critical information, minimizing distractions, and ensuring essential content is readily accessible. By accommodating the limitations of user attention, you can create interfaces that guide users toward their goals with clarity and efficiency.

Hick’s Law →

Confirmation Bias →

Priming →

Cognitive Load →

Anchoring Bias →

Nudge →

Progressive Disclosure →

Fitts’s Law →

Banner Blindness →

Decoy Effect →

Framing Effect →

Attentional Bias →

Empathy Gap →

Visual Anchors →

Von Restorff Effect →

Visual Hierarchy →

Selective Attention →

Survivorship Bias →

Juxtaposition →

Signifiers →

Contrast →

External Trigger →

Center-stage Effect →

Law of Proximity →

Tesler’s Law →

Spark Effect →

Feedback Loop →

Expectations Bias →

Aesthetic-Usability Effect →