
When users try to make sense to information, they make assumptions to fill the gaps.

Meaning is crucial to how humans perceive and interact with the world. In design, meaning refers to users’ ability to make sense of presented information. Confusion can arise when information lacks clarity or fails to connect with users’ existing knowledge and experiences. To prevent this, you must create interfaces that convey clear and coherent meaning by establishing logical relationships between elements, providing contextual cues, and facilitating intuitive navigation paths.

Social Proof →

Scarcity →

Curiosity Gap →

Mental Model →

Familiarity Bias →

Skeuomorphism →

Reciprocity →

Singularity Effect →

Variable Reward →

Aha! moment →

Goal Gradient Effect →

Occam’s Razor →

Noble Edge Effect →

Hawthorne Effect →

Halo Effect →

Miller’s Law →

Unit Bias →

Flow State →

Authority Bias →

Pseudo-Set Framing →

Group Attractiveness Effect →

Curse of Knowledge →

Self-Initiated Triggers →

Survey Bias →

Cognitive Dissonance →

Feedforward →

Hindsight Bias →

Law of Similarity →

Law of Prägnanz →

Streisand Effect →

Spotlight Effect →

Fresh Start Effect →