Stakeholder Workshops

A stakeholder workshop is a structured discussion with selected value chain participants responsible for critical market functions, service provision, and the legal, regulatory, and policy environment.

Stakeholder workshops can be one of the hardest to arrange, as there are many hurdles to overcome, such as:

  • Finding a time to suit everyone’s calendar
  • Defining the right staff to attend
  • The length of time that’s available / required
  • Finding a mutually convenient venue.

The workshop, which should be conducted after the value chain analysis has been completed, is used to:

  • Verify the findings of a value chain analysis
  • Identify opportunities and constraints to increased competitiveness and begin to prioritize them
  • Facilitate the development of a stakeholders’ vision of a more competitive industry
  • Begin to identify the action needed to realize this vision.

The effectiveness of these workshops is directly linked to the degree to which private sector
participants perceive themselves as driving and owning the agenda for change.

The end goals of the stakeholder workshop are:

  • Bring together the participants from the value chain who have incentives to drive investments in upgrading
  • Develop an action plan with stakeholders to move the industry to higher competitiveness through increased efficiencies, differentiation strategies, and taking advantage of new markets and demand.

You need to keep the structure of the workshops flexible, and each one should be tailored to suit each client’s and project needs and requirements.

Some of the key, high-level topics a Stakeholder Workshop covers include:

  • What are the core business activities?
  • What are the key business objectives?
  • What are the challenges they face?
  • Internal understanding and engagement with technology.
  • How the current digital environment is managed.
  • What do they think about the current digital environment?
  • What they want from the digital environment.
  • What they believe users want from the business digitally.

The pdf below is intended to assist value chain facilitators in organizing and facilitating stakeholder workshops. It is organized into the following sections:

  • Preparing for the workshop
  • Facilitating the workshop
  • Potential problems and challenges
  • Logistics
  • Guiding principles

Guide to Facilitating Stakeholder Workshops

Facilitating UX Workshops with Stakeholders in the Room

How to maximize the positive contribution of various stakeholders in workshops throughout the UX design process while minimizing any disruptive or negative impact.
