Design algorithm

There is a design algorithm that always leads to good results. It consists of four steps, following from one to the next, and at each step, you create a solid and finished layer of your work.

Each completed step is already a success and a result. You won’t have to jump chaotically from choosing colors and understanding how to make the text on cards to what the main visualization of the overall app should be. You move right on to completion.

Most of the time, designers go around in circles, coming up with a solution and then going back again. When creating a design, some begin by searching for a color palette; some make a big hero title or a focal illustration or start by finding an overall design style. Each of these ways leads to wasted time and constant redoing of what’s already done.

Say you choose a font and colors, then immediately implement the design idea, making dummy texts and inserting placeholder images. Then, you get the actual content of the interface, and everything becomes completely different.

You’ve made significant and short headings when, in fact, they’re going to be extended. You’ve planned many beautiful details, but there’s nowhere to go in the content. In the end, the whole style doesn’t fit the content because the colors and fonts you’ve chosen don’t reflect the purpose and direction of the project.

Working on typography and design doesn’t start with choosing a font or text size but with understanding the content you’ll be working with. Only content can give you an idea of what techniques and approaches to design it and what style it might have. Only the content and structure can tell you what fonts, text sizes, and other typography parameters to use.

Start by choosing any font, no matter what kind, such as the familiar, versatile, and famous ‘Inter’ typeface. Then, sketch out all the content in one font size on the canvas. Now, you can think about the structure and how to design the layout and create a style.

The design algorithm works for any project, whether you’re creating a content website dashboard or mobile app.

The design algorithm works for any project.